Dear DroneControl Community
We are excited to announce the release of DroneControl FirstResponder release V1.8.0 which you can download directly here
In this latest update we include -
Way Point Mission Planning – Stage 1
Stage 1 release is import mission and fly only.
Please create the KMZ file using pilot 2 and then import the mission into DCFR.
Missions are saved by pilot 2 in the following folder: internal storage -> dji -> Mission -> KML
See the below video on how to import a mission.
Please note that in DCFR once the waypoint mission is started the drone take off immediately vs pilot 2 where the preflight check list is displayed first.
Pin drop sharing
As soon as a pin is dropped via DCFR flight application this appears in the Remote viewing screen.
The GPS, postal address and what3words location are instantly visible to both the pilot and remote operator for improved location sharing.
DroneControl FirstResponder Flight Application DroneControl Remote Viewing Screen
Network speed monitoring on RVS
The remote operator is able to see the quality of connectivity between the GCS and RVS
This traffic light system shows the quality of bandwidth.
<500kb/sec - Poor - Red <2000kb/sec - Average - Orange 2000kb/sec< - Great - Green

Please ensure you download the new APK to update your app or to start your free trial!
The next update is scheduled for December with even more features! Get in contact with the team here to request a demo or activate your free trial
Thanks for your support